Monday, October 21, 2013

One Aussie Boxer Left

Josh English reports from Kazakhstan

"Well its our last man standing today. Dylan Hardy (81kg) will fight Hungary late tonight in another tough clash for the Aussies. Yesterday Ross Weaver (75kg) went down swinging against a strong Russian, while Johan Linde (91kg+) lost to Uzbekistan. There was a sense of excitement as the super heavies got in yesterday, as everyone is waiting for that one knockout punch from either fighter, no matter what country. However, there was less KO's than expected." 

"Yesterday I was able to spar with a very skilful local Kazakhstan boxer. Today I did some light sparring with the Cuban Yosbany Vieta (49kg). Yosbany is my pick to take out my division (49kg), the best mover I have ever gone in with and it was definitely a good experience for me. Will definitly be doing more with him over the next week to help him prepare as the tournament goes on." 

"The Cuban and the Kazakhstan teams seem to be the strongest so far, with no losses for their teams as they head into the final week of competition."

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Kazakstan update from Josh English

Well it was more bad news for us Australians yesterday, with Andrew Moloney (52kg) going down to the local Kazakhstan boy and David Biddle (64kg) losing to Moldova. Two of the favourites in the 52kg division were on display yesterday, Paddy Barnes (Ireland) and Andrew Selby (Wales) which we got to see. Both took the wins and will be ones to watch over the next week.

Today we have Ross Weaver (75kg) vs Russia and Johan Linde (91kg+) vs Uzbekistan. Both tough fights, but the boys have been waiting to go all week. The rest of the team will be sparring with some local Kazakhstan boxers today. 

Friday, October 18, 2013

Aussie Team Interviews from the World Boxing Championships - Josh English

Name: Josh English

Age: 21

Hometown: Central Coast, NSW

Weight Division: 49kg

Why did you start boxing?
Got too small to play rugby league and always wanted to try boxing.

Describe your first fight. Who? When? Where?
Ryan Matthews, Entrance League Club, 2010. Got the win.

Who have been the major influences of your career to date?
Boo Cotterill. 

Who are your favorite boxers? Past & present. Why?
Brandon Rios – tough, never afraid and will fight anyone
Mike Tyson – ferocious.

But can’t go past Floyd Mayweather, the best ever.

Describe your toughest fight. What did you learn from it?
2012 Olympic Trials final. Gave everything and lost by one point. It all came down to me starting too slow and not staying composed enough.

Funniest Boxing story
Going to China and listening to Daniel Lewis try communicate with them by speaking plain English, when they speak nothing but Chinese.

What do you do to unwind outside of boxing?
Chill out and relax with mates, surf.

What advice would you give to anyone interested in starting boxing?
It will change your life if your willing to put your best efforts into it at all times.

Who are the boxers to watch in your division at the world championships?
The Cuban, and the young Chinese boxer who is the world youth champion.

World Champs - Updates on our Aussie Boxers

Jackson Woods lost yesterday to the Bulgarian. Today Dave Biddle (64kg) fights Moldova and Andy Moloney (52kg) fights Kazakhstan.

Tough day yesterday for the Australians-From Australian boxing Team Member Josh English

Tough day yesterday for the Australians, myself especially. I gave everything I had against the Thai boxer and thought I had clearly taken the decision. One judge agreed giving me all 3 rounds, while the other two gave me only one round. Very disappointed that my journey ends here for the tournament, but my spirits have been sightly lifted with all the support Ive had and the comments from other countries in regards to who they thought won. Daniel Lewis (69kg) also went down to a very talented Kenyan boxer.

Josh English Vs Thai Boxer at World Boxing Championships
On the Button - Josh English hits the mark with his left.

Tuesday, Tim Locock (60kg) went down to Russia, while Dave Biddle (64kg) won by TKO against Nepal. Today we have Jackson Woods (56kg) fighting Bulgaria in a what will hopefully be another win for Australia. 

Even though I wont fight again this tournament, I should be able to do some sparring with other countries over the next week and I'll never forget the intensity of fighting in front of the rest of the world like I did yesterday. 

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Latest News From Kazakhstan

Second day of competition here in Kazakhstan. Yesterday our 52kg Andrew Moloney beat Sri Lanka pretty comfortably, while our 91kg Jason Whatley went down fighting against a very skilled Croatian. Its very different watching the fights with no headgear and there was either cuts or huge bruises in every fight. The opening ceremony was also on last night, with our team captain Johan Linde carrying the Aussie flag. A great ceremony that showcased how successful Kazakhstan boxers have been over the years and how they are such a proud boxing.

Today we have 64kg David Biddle vs Nepal and 60kg Tim Locock vs Russia. Hopefully two good results for the boys.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Aussie Boxers Make Weight at World Champs

Josh English is keeping us up to date from Almaty, Kazakhstan.

"What a day, up early to weigh in with 567 boxers attempting to weigh in. The Australian team all made weight. First day of fighting with 91kg Jason whately vs Croatia and 52kg Andy Moloney vs Sri Lanka. Both in the afternoon session. The mood has turned to a serious focus and good energy amongst our team now that we know who we fight. I will be up against the Thai boxer afternoon and can't wait. A sharp session of shadow boxing and partner work this afternoon has kept us fresh. Hopefully both boys get the job done"

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Aussie Boxers Ready To Weigh In At World Champs

Josh English, keeping us updated as he and the Australian team prepare in Almaty Kazakhstan 

"Well lots has gone on here in Kazakhstan over the last couple of days. Yesterday was the official arrival of the rest of the teams. A record 116 countries will compete in this world championships so you can imagine how many different languages and cultures are around. Yesterday morning us Australians did more interval running and then sparred amongst ourselves in the afternoon. We trained at a larger gym yesterday afternoon, I think its the official training centre while the World Championships are on. 
It was crazy in there, at least 15 to 20 different nations in there at the one time, all training hard, all speaking different languages and making heaps of noise. It was almost a standoff between all the teams in regards to who was going to intimidate everyone else the most with how they trained, how hard they could hit a bag or how quick they could shadow box. Speaking for myself and the rest of the Australian team this didnt really phase us. We know what we have to do, we know we are well prepared and when the fights start, no one will care about who impressed in the gym." 

"But it was definitely a scene to see in that gym yesterday afternoon."

"Today we have light training session with a short run and some shadow boxing, then the rest of the day off. Ive got no injuries at all, and our only concern for the rest of the day will be making the weight for tomorrow. The draw will be out tomorrow afternoon, so ill keep everyone updated."

Friday, October 11, 2013

Kazakhstan Update From Josh English

"The training has continued the last two days, with a strength circuit done on tuesday morning and more sparring with the Koreans & Bulgarians in the afternoon. Its great preparation sparring the different styles we may come up against in just a few days time. It's now Wednesday, it was more interval running in the morning and some pad work & bag work in the afternoon." 

Aussie Team members doing some interval running drills on the streets of Almaty, Kazakhstan.
"Its now Thursday morning and everybody's weight is coming down slowly, with still 3 days out from the general weigh in on Sunday. More teams are beginning to arrive at our hotel, with the Welsh and Mongolian teams arriving yesterday afternoon. Today's training we will be doing a strength circuit in the morning, followed by sparring against the Koreans and Bulgarians in the afternoon. Vince Consentini, the Australian team physio has also just arrived to take care of any little injuries as we get ready for competition."
Focused on Final Preparations

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Updates From Josh English - World Amateur Boxing Titles - Almaty, Kazakhstan - October 2014

DownUnderBoxing is proud to announce that we have young Josh English, Australia's representative in the 49kg Divisions at the upcoming World Boxing Championships on board as our correspondent. Josh will be sending us updates and behind the scenes news from Kazakhstan as he and Australia's nine other representatives prepare to compete on the world stage. We hope you all get behind our Aussie Boxers and enjoy Josh's insights as he share's his experience with all of us.
Here are the first two instalments from Josh

"Arrived in Almaty, Kazakhstan tonight with the 10 man Australian Team for the world championships. Hot weather over here, about 30 degrees. The boys and I will be recovering tomorrow with some light training (running and shadow boxing) before sharpening things right up in our final week of preparation, with the general weigh in and draw being done on Sunday the 13th. My weight is a bit heavy after a few long plane trips but will have to take that off this week. So far only the only other team in our hotel are the Koreans, and the massive venue is just down the road.
 The Australian team:
 49kg Josh English
52kg Andrew Moloney
56kg Jackson Woods
60kg Timothy Locock
64kg David Biddle
69kg Daniel Lewis
75kg Ross Weaver
81kg Dylan Hardy
91kg Jason Whatley
91+kg Johan Linde
 Coach: Don Abnett
Ass Coach: Mick Daly"

 "Had a big day in Kazakhstan today. Interval Runs in the morning and in the afternoon it was light sparring with the Korean and Bulgarian teams. All the Australian team did well, and its great to get the experience moving around with potential opponents. The excitement is starting to build up now as the World Championships get closer, with more teams arriving and the popularity of boxing in Kazakhstan meaning there are posters and advertisements all over the city of Almaty. Culture and language barriers are really noticeable here in Kazakhstan even when trying to communicate something simple, but boxing is the common theme and its popularity in kazakhstan is huge. So i'd imagine the crowds will be big and loud in one weeks time."

Thanks Josh, keep 'em coming mate!!!!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

+DownUnderBoxing Photos

We have just set up a new site where you can download digital copies or order prints of your favourite +DownUnderBoxing Photos. we are still "ironing out the wrinkles" but it's time to give you guys a sneak peak at our new service.
This site will make life easier fur us and you. You can shop 24/7 & download your pics in any instant, instead of waiting for the mailman.

Screenshot 1

Screenshot 2

Screenshot 3

Go to  check it out. We'd love to know your thoughts so let us know whether you like or dislike

Monday, July 9, 2012

Les Piper announced as Combat 8 Main Event

Former Australian Super Middleweight Champion, Les Piper has been announced this morning as the boxer that will head the lineup of boxers in a new concept in which Boxers will take on MMA fighters in the ring.

Newcastle MMA fighter Justin Murry will be Pipers opponent in Combat 8's inaugural event to be held at Panthers Newcastle, September 1, 2012. 

Combat 8 is aiming to match the best boxers Vs the best MMA fighters in a format that compliments both sports. The Promoters promise "to bring you fast paced fights that if they last the distance you will have a winner within 3 x 3 minute rounds." 

The modified rules eliminate kicking to bring the fighters closer together & eliminate knees and elbows to replace it with fighters opting to pick each other up and slam their opponents to the ground or throw their opponents into the cage. 

Time will tell if the public embrace this new concept with most fight fans we've spoken to.prepared to wait to see the first event before making to many comments.

More info on Combat8 Check out their Websites -
Facebook -
Twitter -

Tickets for Combat 8 are now on sale. Available @the club.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Cruiserweight Title stays with Amman

On Friday night, 16 June at Panthers Newcastle, Wagga Wagga's Anthony McCrackin challenged Newcastle's Daniel Amman for the Australian Cruiserweight Title. 
Anthony McCrackin Vs Daniel Amman in their Australian Title bout
15 June 2012
A big crowd witnessed a fantastic night of boxing which showcased some of Newcastle's up & coming talent on an undercard which consisted of 6 AABL Amateur bouts & 2 Professional bouts. Tuffnup Boxing Newcastle promoted the event.
The main event started with both fighters showing each other plenty of respect. It was the local boy, Amman who was getting the better of the early rounds. McCrackin was starting to find his way through Amman's southpaw defense mid way through the fight. He picked up the pace and took a few rounds in this stage of the fight, but it was Daniel Amman who came home stronger. He was awarded a unanimous points decision although the judges scorecards (98-92, 98-92, 97-95) were not a true indication of what was a very competitive, close fight.
In a super middleweight bout Tuffnup's Simon "Rampage" Rendina met Gunnedah's Wade Ryan. Both boxers were on debut. The accurate counter punching of southpaw Ryan was to good for a game Rendina who, to his credit. climbed off the canvass in round 3 to finish the fight. UD to Ryan(40-35, 40-35, 40-35
The fight of the night was a light heavyweight bout between another 2 debutants. Luke Bunder Vs Robbie Harris was a war from the opening bell. Neither boxer held back with both boxers landing heavy punches throughout the fight. It was a slick, more polished Bunder who got the UD (39-37, 40-36, 40-36) over a tough as nails Harris. In a post fight interview Bunder  revealed that his shoulder had popped out during the third round and he had finished the fight with one arm. 
See below for results from the Amateur Bouts.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Official Weights for Newcastle Panthers - Friday 15 June

Daniel Amman & Anthony McCracken face off at Tuffnup Boxing Gym tonight ahead of there Australian Title Bout tomorrow night at Newcastle Panthers

Australian Cruiserweight Title 10x3
Daniel Amman (88.9kg)

Anthony McCracken (89.0kg)

 Light Heavyweight 4x3
Luke Bunder (78.7kg)
Robbie Harris (79.4kg)

 Super Middleweight 4x3
Simon Rendina (74.8kg)
Wade Ryan (75.1kg)

Eight AABL bouts on undercard.

A Tuffnup Promotion